Molodyi Teatr London

Molodyi Teatr London at The Cockpit, London, 2017. Photo: IWOM001 Photography.

Molodyi Teatr London is a Ukrainian-British theatre group dedicated to bringing migrants’ voices to the stage. 

We started in 2010 with Ukrainian-language adaptations of works by famous Ukrainian writers (Nikolai Gogol/Mykola Hohol’, Taras Shevchenko, contemporary Ukrainian poets), before moving on to documentary pieces on subjects like the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33 and the 2013-14 Maidan protests. In 2014, we started work on our first full-length English-language show, Bloody East Europeans, a cabaret-style musical satire on British attitudes to Eastern Europeans. It was one of To Do List’s 40 unmissable shows of the 2015 Fringe, named one of Edinburgh 49’s shows to see, and was long-listed for Amnesty International’s Freedom of Expression Award. Molodyi Teatr London’s previous show, Penetrating Europe, or Migrants Have Talent has been called ‘fresh, thoughtful and a hell of a lot of fun’ by Central and Eastern European London Review.  Our current show, All That Remains, is a moving reflection on loss and memory based on true stories from the ongoing war in Ukraine. ‘Uncanny and powerful’  Central and Eastern European London Review. ‘Poignant, tragic and quietly powerful.’  Views from the Gods. ‘The most intimate conversation. Raw and painful. Very real but unimaginable.’ Ukrainian Events in London.

All That Remains. A true story of loss and memory from the war in Ukraine.

Written and directed by Olesya Khromeychuk. Performed by Molodyi Teatr London. 

All That Remains is a reflection on memory and loss based on true stories from the ongoing war in Ukraine. A woman who has lost her brother and is left with only a few of his belongings tries to make sense of what happened. The show weaves her story together with those of the volunteers (mostly women) who keep the army supplied with the basics that the state doesn’t provide, fellow soldiers haunted by memories, and the voice of her brother from mobile phone videos recorded at the frontline.
Using documentary theatre and music, the show explores the absurdities of this unexpected war, in which families find themselves trying to buy bulletproof vests online and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacts soldiers’ relatives via Facebook. Most of all, this is a story about the shock of losing a loved one to armed conflict, and about finding the strength to live on.
«Все, що залишилося» - вистава Молодого Театру в Лондоні про війну на сході України. Вистава розповідає історію дівчини, брат якої загинув на війні, солдата, голос якого зберігся у селфі-відео, записаних на фронті, військової, яка повернулася з воєнної зони та інших людей, яких торкнулася війна. Це вистава про втрату, пам’ять і те, як знайти сили жити далі.


An uncanny and yet powerful depiction of how isolating the experience of war is. All That Remains offers a rare chance of grasping the genuine Ukrainian perspective rather than the version that’s being broadcasted (or not) by the media.★★★★★  Central and Eastern European London Review
This is a show that remains long after the metaphorical curtain has gone down and makes us consider some difficult issues. All That Remains is poignant, tragic and quietly powerful. ★★★★ Views from the Gods.
The most intimate conversation. Raw and painful. Very real but unimaginable. ★★★★★  Ukrainian Events in London.